The whole world was overwhelmed with Rich Ross’s exhibition of more than 100 supercars in the yard of his Georgia mansion

After more than a century of collecting cars, 45-year-old Rick Ross has finally obtained his driver’s license. “After some final persuasion from my mother and sister, I went and took the test. I spent an hour on it. Though I didn’t get all the answers, I did get it.

You enjoy seeing it. It takes a certain amount of admiration for a well-built vehicle to accumulate more than 100 luxury cars and to call your label Maybach Music Group. However, in a confusing turn of events, CEO and rapper Rick Ross has disclosed that he does not in fact possess a driver’s license.

“Who doesn’t have a driver’s license and owns a hundred cars?” In a recent Instagram video, Ross is heard stating before presumably expressing his disgust with a shake of his head. But this was only the start of a longer and more rambling tirade.

“More significantly, when I apply for a driver’s license every day, they ask me if I’m an organ donor. “If something were to happen to me and I realized how good my heart was,” I exclaimed. Please don’t let me pass away; just take my kind heart.

Yes, exactly. We have no idea what he’s talking about. It’s unclear if Ross, who goes by the nickname “Ferrari Fat Boy,” was ever authorized to cruise or if he just happened to be renewing his driver’s license after having one for a while. A former jail officer would undoubtedly occasionally need to operate a vehicle. Though I suppose it would boost one’s street cred to disobey the law. In any case, we’re not interested enough to look into it in-depth.

Our purpose here is to sample the rumored goodies with a sticky beak. View a selection of the huge guy’s vehicles below; to see a longer sneak peek, simply browse his Instagram page. He doesn’t hesitate to post pictures of the vehicles he has parked in the driveway.