Admire Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s $64M Pacific Palisades mansion


Admire Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s $64M Pacific Palisades mansion

Admire Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s $64M Pacific Palisades mansion

The search for their ideal house has been erratic for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. The newlyweds had a $34.5 mιllιon California home in upscale Pacific Palisades under escrow as of last month. However, they decided not to purchase it at the last minute.

Instead, it appears that they may have finally decided on a prime piece of property owned by one of Los Angeles’ most illustrious families.

Gregory Milken, one of the wealthiest inhabitants of the city, and his wife EJ purchased the 1.13-acre Pacific Palisades property just a week after it went on the market.

Gregory, EJ, and their five children have resided in the house for more than ten years; they paid $14.5 mιllιon for it back in 2009. The house is now on the market for $64 mιllιon.

It is unknown if Lopez and Affleck, who have a total of five kids, will pay the full asking price for the house or negotiate a deal.

Michael Milken, Gregory’s father, rose to prominence as one of Wall Street’s most influential bankers in the 1980s by creating high-yield bonds, also known as “junk bonds.”

The enormous 13,000 square foot property has six bedrooms, ten bathrooms, and a 3,000 square foot guest house with two bedrooms and four bathrooms. Two study, a video room, a sizable game room with access to the backyard, two playrooms, a sizable kitchen, and a family room are among the amenities.