Enter the Vibrant Los Angeles Residence of Miley Cyrus, Crafted with Love by Her Mother’s Vision

Less than a year has passed since superstar Miley Cyrus acquired this sprawling Southern California retreat with six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, and a total area of 6,800 square feet. Astonishingly, the space is already fully adorned, distinctly reflecting Miley’s unique style. Responsible for this transformation are the talents of Tish Cyrus, who also happens to be Miley’s mom and her manager for the past 16 years, along with Tish’s design collaborator Mat Sanders.

Tish explains, “When you step into someone’s residence, my aim is for you to immediately grasp the inhabitant’s identity, their preferences, loves, and essence. Given my intimate understanding of Miley and our close relationship, achieving this was very feasible.” The outcome? Much like Miley herself, the house is an exquisite blend of vibrancy and vivacity, balanced by a sense of unwavering order.

Tish confesses, “My expertise veers towards the boho chic style. In my personal dwelling, I gravitate towards neutral tones. However, with Miley, there’s an undeniable rock and roll element that needs to be captured. A profusion of colors is at play – a genuine technicolor experience.” From an Ettore Sottsass bookcase to a chair resembling a mouth playfully wiggling its tongue, and even a ceiling treatment by artist Brian Robles that exudes a psychedelic allure – these are just a glimpse into the kaleidoscopic wonder. Zooming out, the larger picture reveals their audacity to paint the exterior of the 1950s clapboard house in a drаmаtic black hue, a choice influenced by Tish’s observation that the house originally carried distinct East Coast vibes.

Tish, Miley, and Mat form a dynamic trio, where “more is more is more” is the prevailing ethos, according to Tish. However, Tish’s role also involves the gentle suggestion to occasionally exercise restraint: “I’m the one who occasionally advocates for pulling back a tad.” Despite this, Tish thoroughly enjoyed embracing Miley’s exuberant maximalism. Miley reflects, “My mom firmly believes that nothing is set in stone, that there’s always room for undoing. People make daring decisions, and while some pay off, others might not. But it’s a rιsk my mom and I are willing to take in our lifestyle, and this rιsk is evident in the design.”

Certainly, those risks proved to be rewarding in the context of this home. Amid the vivid expressions, tranquil elements persist. The pool offers a serene oasis, and the gym and wellness areas draw inspiration from the serene Amangiri resort in Utah. Tish adds, “Miley had the freedom to select any designer she desired. Yet, her decision to entrust me with the design of this house is truly remarkable.

This isn’t just about being her mother – it’s also about not having formal design education and coming from Eastern Kentucky. It’s quite an achievement. It warms my heart.”

As Mother’s Day approaches, the emotional depth of this project feels particularly poignant. Miley delves into the unique qualities her mother brings both as a parent and an interior designer: “My mom’s most exceptional trait as a mother and designer is her profound understanding and lack of judgment. Any vision I have, she turns into reality, even if it’s not her personal style. She designs for her children – I’m not the sole one benefiting from her interior design skills, all five of us do – the same way she nurtures us. Her goal is what’s best for us, and creating spaces that mirror our identities is paramount for our mentаl well-being, creativity, and songwriting.”

This sentiment extends even to a single piece of artwork in the luminous, pristine white open-plan kitchen: a black-on-black square panel displaying the F-word in capital letters. Tish explains, “I have a strong aversion to that word, but I stumbled upon this piece and instantly thought of Miley. I knew she’d love it. And I had the perfect spot in mind!”